Griffiths Farrans awarded contract to transform Bristol Airport’s public transportation hub

Griffiths Farrans JV has been awarded a contract to deliver a transformational public transportation hub as part of what is reportedly Bristol Airport’s largest capital project ever.

The £60m (US$76m) investment will create a public transportation interchange hub and multi-story parking garage to improve services and accessibility for customers arriving at or departing from Bristol Airport. Enabling works commenced in May to divert services, and work has now begun to construct an access ramp to the existing remaining parking garages.

The project forms part of Bristol Airport’s overall transformational development plan to enable 12 million passengers a year to use the airport. It aims to provide an enlarged public transportation interchange hub, an improved internal road system and an additional multi-story parking garage with customer enhancements such as waiting rooms and rest facilities.

The public transportation interchange hub will provide access for coaches, buses and other forms of public transportation on the top level of the multi-story parking garage. The public transportation interchange hub will more than double the number of bus/coach bays to 16.

Dave Lees, CEO of Bristol Airport, said, “This project is transformational for our customers. It is the largest single capital investment project since the terminal opened in 2000 and will take 18 months to complete. As with all large-scale projects, it is complex and the development work will need to be phased to accommodate the normal day-to-day airport operations. During the project, customers will see several temporary changes taking place, including temporary relocation of some parking garages and changes to internal road layouts. We will continue to keep customers informed of the changes via directional signage, customer messaging on parking bookings, the website and social media.”
